Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Unity Day 32 (sort of): Work at Home

From Facebook:

"Good thing we didn't go in today. I just did some home programming with Ryan, and he cried and protested the whole time. :( "

Yes, we stayed home today, and thank goodness we did.  When I tried to do some homework with Ryan this morning, he started to meltdown just like he does at S.C. sometimes.  Ugh. Better here than there, I guess. It was easier to get him settled in the quiet and comfort of our own home, but he still fussed the whole time we worked.

Anyway, I had ordered a new kids' table and chair set for Ryan to work at, as it's a requirement for the home programming, and I didn't have one yet. It arrived yesterday afternoon, so I tried to get some pictures of Ryan at work at his new table today.  Well, his mood this morning is reflected in the pictures.

putting the block in independently--yay!--but under protest

down it goes . . .

. . . and back in again!
(Notice the expression on his face. This is NOT a real smile.  This is a Ryan passive/aggressive-grin/growl-special.  You have to have seen and heard it in person to recognize it.  He does this frequently when he's irritated.) 

Ryan did his colouring, HOH, and as I went to snap a picture, he escaped! ["I'm outta here!"]
(He had done his fifth trial, though, so it was okay for him to leave the table.)

Later, we did stacking with the magnetic blocks.  He let me do it with a wrist prompt, but he was whiny and sad.  I noticed he liked the texture and kept trying to mouth them, so I let him have them after we finished the program.
Ryan was cranky and crying, off and on, until he finally fell asleep at about 12:45.  Then he slept until about 3:45!  I think he needed that because he seems much happier since he woke up. Hopefully, since he had the earlier nap, he will go to sleep earlier tonight, and his little system will be back on schedule.  We go back to S.C. tomorrow; a little cold is not going to keep us from the therapy that's shown such amazing results in such a short time.  Ryan's mood swings aren't going to stop us, either!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Mama! I see your positive streak has come back, and you are up to the challenge :) Me thinks you and Ry will have many "go rounds" in the stubborn stage. It's always typical of a 3 year old, but I think this little devil/angel knows how to use it to his advantage. You sound like you realy understand him and know when to push and when to pull back. Keep up the good work !
    Love, Mom
