Sunday, March 10, 2013

"More" Wagon!

It was beautiful outside this afternoon, so I went for a walk and took Ryan along for a wagon ride.  Every time I paused the wagon, he was asking for "more!"

Technically, the proper form for signing "more" is this:

Ryan, as you know, has weak fine motor control, so at this point, we are accepting him putting his hands or fingertips together as his sign for "more."  It looks more like a clap sometimes, but that's okay.  It's his intentional communication that's important.

As I said, Ryan had lots of opportunities to ask for "more" whenever I paused to to cross a street, check back on him, etc.

Ryan in mid-sign
After about 45 minutes, We made it back home. I sat on the porch to get a rest and a drink, but he kept requesting "more" wagon! How could I refuse?

C'mon Mama! I said "more"!
So, off we went for another short ride up and down the sidewalk passing by our house.  When I paused to cross the street just before we got home again, I got a quick video on my iPhone of Ryan requesting "more."

Sometimes he gets a little confused, and pats with one hand, and I have to give him a verbal reminder to put his "two hands" together.  Sometimes he gets a little silly and pats his chest or head, too!

Of course, when we arrived at home again, he gave me some very clear "more" requests as I was lifting him from the wagon. But after an hour of walking and pulling around about 35 pounds, Mommy was done.  However, I think this could be a win-win situation for us if the weather stays nice. Mommy gets some good exercise, and Ryan gets his wagon rides and chances to practice his manding for "more." :)

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