Sunday, March 31, 2013

Having Fun with Ryan!

I decided it's time to upload some videos to share a bit of The Ryan Personality with everyone.  Some of you haven't seen him in person for a while, and some of you haven't seen him as he is in his comfortable home environment.  Plus, he had some great interaction with his big sister, Andrea, yesterday. It was so wonderful, I just had to share!

I love this video because it's a minute-and-a-half of pure Ryan Personality: active, mischievous, sweet, and funny.  After his bath, he loves to flop down and wiggle all over Mommy and Daddy's bed.  We usually have to chase him and wrestle him down to get him dried off and into pyjamas! It's all a big game to Ryan.  This video was taken during the daytime, but you still get to see him goofing around a bit on our bed. :)

Ryan's new "thing" is walking backwards. He seems to enjoy the sensation, but we have to watch to make sure he doesn't walk into anything!
He loves watching Andrea and Kevin run around and have fun. One of the cutest things about this video, which I didn't realize till I saw the playback, is Ryan asked Andrea for "more" at the end!
(Watch his hands for the sign: his is like a clap.)
After watching Andrea run, Ryan got down and started to chase her!  She started a game of tag with him, and he caught on right away!  He needed a few reminders to "go get Andrea," but I was amazed to see him participating in his first game of tag, and having so much fun with his sister! It was so sweet and funny. :) Andrea was thrilled. She kept saying, "Ryan's so cute tonight!" and "Ryan's so much fun tonight!"


  1. Awesome vids!
    Ryan seemed more focused and attentive when I was there yesterday than when I babysat for you four weeks ago. I guess some of that could be due to me being there earlier this time. However, I think all the effort you two have been putting in at Summit and at home is a bigger component in his overall emerging character. And what a character he can be. ;)
    Way to go sis. Keep up the great work. :)

  2. wow! great interaction with Andrea...and she with him :)
    Love it! Hope to see lots more when we get there.
