Sunday, February 17, 2013

Tap Tap Tap!

I mentioned, yesterday, about Ryan generalizing the skill of "tapping" (the precursor to pointing) on a container when he wanted me to give him "more."  Well, that skill has blossomed into other areas overnight and this morning:

  • Last night, Ryan tapped his bottle when I offered it to him (as in, "I want that"). I had been HOH prompting him to do this since Week 1 of Unity, and last night he did it all on his own!
  • Several times over the past day he has tapped my hand when he's ready for a bite of food. Usually he just grabs my hand, opens his mouth, or puts his hand near mine.
  • This one is my favourite: Late last night, I was on the computer.  Ryan came over and stood next to me.  Then, he touched my arm. I greeted him and then went back to what I was doing. Suddenly, he put his hand over my hand that was controlling the mouse.  I kind of laughed and said, "You want some attention, don't you?" and tried to finish up my typing.  Then, he tapped my hand so gently . . . tap, tap, tap . . . Aww, I couldn't refuse that request! So, I picked him up and we had a good cuddle. He was all smiles and snuggles. :)
I think Ryan has figured out that, in general, tapping an object (or a person!) tells Mommy, "I want this!"


  1. A lightbulb moment!!!!! Cheers, hoorah, and here's to many more!

  2. Hiya lil sis. I've just finished reading your blogs. I had been keeping up with your days at the SC, or so I thought, by catching your facebook posts. Fortunately, you've been including links to your blog there so the access to more detail is readily available. Your blogging is great! It's all very interesting, intriguing and informative. I'm amazed at the insight I've been able to gain by reading the journals you've done. Really, really great work Julie. Thank you for sharing.
    Your big bro. :)

    1. Thanks! I'm glad my family (and friends) are getting something out of this blog. It's hard to explain everything we're doing sometimes. Writing it all out is so much easier for me. :)
