Monday, February 18, 2013

More Tapping Requests

[no Summit Centre today, due to the Family Day holiday]

I had to add a few more notes in here about Ryan's breakthrough with "tapping" to request things.  There were just so many good examples yesterday and today:

  • Ryan was not only tapping to request more bites of food, but tapping when I paused for too long between spoonfuls, like, "Hurry up, Mom, I'm hungry!"
  • He has been following me around and tapping at me when  he really wants my attention. I've been getting a lot of taps on the bum because he often follows right behind me. LOL
  • This one I've seen him do before, and thought it was just a coincidence. He did it twice yesterday, so now I'm sure it's intentional: Andrea was on the rocking chair. He went over and tapped her legs as if to say, "I want to sit there." But then he takes it one step further: he taps his own chest as if to say, "It's my turn now!" It's like he's saying, "Hey you [taps you], that's my spot! [taps his own chest]".
As I'm typing this, he stands up to reach the tissue box on the back of the couch, and taps it! No, he cannot have the Kleenex. Unfortunately, he eats it! Sorry, I had to say "no" to that request, and get him off the couch. But I have to chuckle.  It's like "the tap" is now his all-access pass.  Hmm. I'll have discuss how to handle this with the S.C. staff tomorrow. I hate to refuse him, but there are some things he just can't have!

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