Saturday, February 16, 2013


At the end of the Day 13 post, I mentioned how many coincidences seem to be popping up between what we say and what Ryan will suddenly do. He often gets the timing just right.  Here's two from the last 24 hours:

  • Last night, Andrea walked into the living room when Ryan was in a good mood and laughing. She said, "Hi, Buddy!" and he glanced at her and made an "Aaaaaaeeeeeeee" sound that sure sounded like he was saying, "Hiiiiiiiii!"
  • This morning, Ryan was grumpy when I got up. He'd been up for a while. Figuring he was hungry, I fed him his cereal. When he was done, I went back to the kitchen to make the other kids breakfast. He wandered in with a smile on his face, so I said, "Are you feeling better now, Buddy?" He glanced at me briefly, and did a thumb up! We haven't taught him to do a thumb up, but we do it frequently with Andrea and Kevin. I wonder if he picked it up from watching us? It's not the type of random gesture he normally does, and his timing was spot on!
I also wanted to mention a  nice example of generalization of a skill Ryan showed last night. I mentioned in yesterday's post how Ryan was tapping independently on the bin to request more noodles to play with at S.C. Well, as we did his shape sorter homework last night, he was really hyper and was trying to grab at the bin to get a bunch of pieces from me. I put the lid on tight and held it back. Suddenly, he reached forward and tapped the lid!  Of course I opened the lid and let him have access to the shapes, because he just demonstrated independent generalization of a skill!  I never told him or showed him to tap on the container holding the shapes. He remembered from earlier in the  day that if he taps on that closed container, he'll get what's inside. Yay Ryan! I can't wait to tell the S.C. staff about it next week. :)


  1. Never think coincidences at all ! I say treat every thing as he meant to do it and give that positive reinforcement. :) Awesome !
    --luv, Mom

  2. Oh, I definitely agree, Mom. We do that at S.C. too; anything that even looks like an attempt to do something gets positively reinforced. Even if it wasn't intentional, the brain can start making connections between actions and consequences. Like, "If Mom gives me all kinds of praise and smiles when I give her a thumbs up, well, then I'm gonna do it more often!" :)

  3. awesome!
    I've said it before, but i love these updates!
