Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Two Sweet Moments

I went in to do my final, 2-hour observation of Ryan at Summit Centre this morning. I was rewarded with two of the sweetest moments I have ever seen between Ryan and other children. I wish I could have captured it on film to keep forever because I know I won't be able to capture it in words.

The first moment was during circle time. Ryan was in a happy, but silly mood. (I participated as Ryan's "therapist" because they were a bit short-staffed due to multiple  kids needing bathroom breaks.) I was sitting behind Ryan, and he kept leaning back against me and laughing. Suddenly C., the little guy next to him looked over, caught Ryan's eye, and broke into a huge grin. He wiggled around in his spot and both boys started giggling together. They were supposed to be paying attention to circle, but I couldn't help laughing at their mischievousness. It was such a typical boyish interaction. 

The second moment was coming in from our recess walk. One of the first students up the stairs was having some difficulty, so there was a bit of a wait to get in the front door. Ryan was making some happy sounds, so A., the little guy standing in front of him, turned around to see what Ryan was doing. When he saw Ryan's happy face, he broke into a big grin, too!  And then A. started laughing and doing this adorable little happy dance. Well, Ryan thought that was hilarious, so he started giggling and reached out to touch A.  Then, A. made some happy noises, did a few excited jumps and flaps, and reached out for Ryan. Both boys were laughing like crazy! It was so precious. A.'s therapist looked back to see what was going on with a bit of a puzzled smile, but she'd missed the moment. It was time for them to head upstairs. 

I have never had the opportunity to see Ryan interact with one of his peers that way. And to see this silly, joyful, typical boyishness between autistic boys ... Well, it made my heart sing. And twice in one morning! It was magical. 

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