Friday, October 9, 2015

Prescription for Stress

I am SO tired of getting a hassle at the pharmacy every time I order/pick up prescriptions! Between me and the three kids, there's a lot of prescriptions. And it seems like whenever I go in to pick something up, there's a problem with at least one prescription!

Today it's Kevin's anxiety meds. And he NEEDS this. It can't be stopped suddenly. And yes, I ordered a few days ahead to be sure it was filled BEFORE the holiday weekend, but I can't order too far in advance or the insurance won't cover it.

Well, the insurance still wouldn't cover it. I go in to pick the prescription up and the pharmacy tech is like nope, it's too soon. They won't pay for it. I explain that my son only has 2 days' meds left. She's like, "You just got it filled on September 22. They won't refill it till October 22."

Then, I remembered that there was a dosage increase, and the doctor faxed them a new prescription. Um, apparently the pharmacy didn't get it. :(

So, I just called the doctor and, of course, neither she nor her secretary are in the office today! >:( They'll be back on Tuesday morning.

I know it's not the pharmacy's fault. It's mostly the asshats at the insurance company and partly the doctor's fault, too. She said she was faxing that updated prescription, and she's never messed up before. Arrgghhh!

So now, my options are
A) Kevin's without medication for about 3 days (not acceptable--it's unsafe).
B) Go to the pharmacy again tomorrow with Kevin's almost-empty bottle and beg the pharmacist for a few days' emergency refill till I can contact the doctor.
C) Give Kevin some of Andrea's meds because they're on the same medication, but his is liquid and hers is caplet. (I actually did this one day LAST month because of, yes, a refill issue.)
D) Pay full price for the prescription refill (which is not acceptable--what's the point of paying for insurance if you don't use it?!).

I have a feeling it will be option B), but maybe C) if the pharmacy won't cooperate. Or maybe D) if I find out we can get some kind of reimbursement after we get proof that his dosage actually went up before his last refill. :p

Why am I posting about this? Well, it's because like I said, this kind of thing happens with our prescriptions ALL THE TIME. I am so sick of it! I have enough things to worry about besides fighting to get our insurance to pay for meds! I'm also posting this because I see a lot of families in the States have this struggle, but I wonder if it affects a lot of Canadians, too. ???


  1. This has happened to me too. Now when the doctor says it is being faxed over to the pharmacy, I give them ONE day, and then call the pharmacy to see if they received the fax. If not, my pharmacy contacts the doctor. If your pharmacy won't call the doctor, that's when you contact the doctors office, and keep it up until it is sent in. If they wonder why you are "so insistent, calling too early, etc" explain that they have failed you in the past and your family suffers because of their error. I actually had a diary I write in and check it every day so I don't forget my follow up phone calls. A pain, yes, but worth it. ---- Mom

    1. Great advice Mom. Julie, if your caregivers cause you problems, you should confront them. Every time. They need to know how much strife this adds to your already hectic life so that they're incompetence is highlighted and rectified to your satisfaction. Good luck with any future doctor/insurance/pharmacy obstacles. Vent at the guilty party/parties whenever they deserve it. You deserve better.
