Tuesday, October 6, 2015

I Thought We Were on the Same Page

I am so upset right now.

You know how I've been having a tough time dealing with Ryan's transition from Summit Centre to full-time kindergarten. Well, I just got a call from Ryan's senior therapist (ST) at Summit Centre telling me that Lassaline (school) is not exactly cooperating with our plans.

You see, Ryan's ST has been calling the school to try and set up an opportunity so she can observe him in the school classroom. This way, she can make recommendations about how they can accommodate Ryan more effectively in the classroom. We did this about 3 times last year, and it was helpful for everyone. Summit Centre saw what Ryan was doing at school; the ST gave suggestions for the teachers and EAs to address Ryan's unique learning, behavioural, social, and environmental needs; and I got reports back from both the ST and the teachers/EAs about Ryan's classroom experience.

This time, the ST really wanted to observe Ryan BEFORE our transition meeting on October 14. It just makes sense: she can go in, observe, and have time to get suggestions ready for our meeting with the principal, teachers, and special education coordinator. But when she called to try and get a meeting this week, the principal's first response was, "Tuesday won't work. I'll call you back about possibly doing it on Wednesday." Okay, that's understandable.

But this is where it gets confusing. The principal called the ST back today and said something to the effect of, "Wednesday won't work either. In fact, we'd rather just wait and talk about things at the transition meeting." When the ST explained her reasons for us wanting to meet before next week, and emphasized how important this was to us (her and I), the principal went vague on her. The principal said something about "wanting to sort out issues in the classroom before we meet."  When the ST asked her what that meant, the principal would not elaborate.


Okay, I have several issues with this.

1) We always had our ST observe before our meetings, and bring suggestions to the meeting, last year.
2) Summit Centre and Lassaline had no communication issues with each other last year. When it was time to set up appointments, they did it. If consultation was needed, they did it.
3) If there are issues in the classroom, WHY am I not aware of it? We have a communication book. I talk to the EAs every time I pick up Ryan. They have all my contact information.
4) It's the ST's job to help them transition Ryan to school. If he's having issues, she needs to be aware of them.
5) Like I said before, we need to know about any issues ahead of time so we can go into the meeting armed with suggestions and support for them!


Essentially, I'm mad because it feels like they are knocking our ST out of the loop when now her involvement is more crucial than ever. I could tell my ST was kind of speechless over what happened with the school today. She didn't really know what to say to me; she was calm and diplomatic, but sounded really confused. I told her I would do my best as Mom to get more information about the situation, so we can go into the transition meeting prepared for what they might have to say.

When I picked up Andrea and Kevin this afternoon, I went in with my Autism-Momma-Bear on, fully prepared to confront the principal and get this straightened out. Of course, she was busy; and of her time, I got one frazzled glance. I didn't have the time to wait around and talk after school because we had to leave immediately to go pick up Ryan from Summit.

My plan for tomorrow: Get her on the phone. I usually have better success with that during the school year although it might take a day or two for her to respond. This time, if she doesn't call me back by the end of the school day, I'm calling again on Thursday. And if she doesn't contact me on Thursday, I will try to see her, in person, on Friday afternoon (I know she'll be busy Friday morning--school Thanksgiving mass). Monday is a holiday. Tuesday is the day before our meeting. Ugh.

Anyway, sorry if I'm rambling a bit here. I'm just trying to marshal my thoughts and be rational about this.

Who knows? Maybe the "issues" in the classroom have nothing to do with Ryan, but with staff politics. Either way, isn't what's best for Ryan the most important thing? And isn't observation and helpful suggestions for Ryan, being ready for discussion AT THE MEETING, what's best for Ryan?

Also, this is another monkey wrench thrown into the transition gears. This, too, will likely delay his transition date.

I should seriously consider cancelling that mindfulness training course I signed up for on Thursdays. It's not looking promising that he'll be starting full time on October 19, which means Thursday, October 22 will probably be a home therapy day.

You know, it's not like I need a meditation/relaxation course. How selfish of me. :p

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