Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Ryan's First FULL day of Junior Kindergarten

Ryan got to attend junior kindergarten for a full day today, which was as it should be. Of course, I didn't know that was going to happen for sure until I actually dropped him off at school this morning. But I had brought him in equipped for a full day.

Anyway, back to the story: Ryan had a late night last night. I'm not sure why, but he didn't go to sleep till about 10:15 PM. He was woken up at about 7:15 AM by his brother and sister getting up and being their usual loud selves.  This meant that Ryan was in a tired, so-so mood this morning.

When we went to get in the van this morning, he planted his feet, squeezed my hand, and got the shakes again, just like he did on Monday.  Again, I spoke to him cheerfully and soothingly, and loaded him into the van with his siblings. He was okay after that.

This morning, Andrea and I held Ryan's hands and walked him over the to the fenced-in play area by his classroom door where all his classmates go in each morning.  We saw the float EA on the way in, and she was all smiles, greeting Ryan and assuring us it "went really well" last time, and "He'll have another good day." When we arrived at the classroom door, Ryan hesitated and started to cry/whine a bit.  The ECE and EAs coaxed him in, and encouraged him to take off his coat and put it on his hook. I showed and explained to them the new communication book Summit had put together for Summit/Lassaline/Home, and they were comfortable with it, saying they'd had similar arrangements for previous students.  Finally, one of the EAs posed the question: "Is Ryan staying all day today?" They all looked at each other, uncertain, and I replied, "I brought him in prepared for a full day." The ECE turned around and said, "Yes, Ryan's here for a full day." Ahh . . . the magic words!  I grinned, waved bye-bye to Ryan, gave him a kiss, and went off to my day off housecleaning, errands, and germ-fighting. I thought of him off and on during the day, got inexplicably anxious once or twice, but mostly the day went quickly.

When I went back at 2:45 to pick up Ryan, I saw his morning EA first, waiting with another child. She told me, "Ryan had a good day. The morning was a bit tough for him because he had lots of visitors! The physiotherapist, occupational therapist and someone else [speech therapist] from John McGivney [Children's Centre] came by to see him. It was a little too much for him. He got upset and a bit overstimulated. But his afternoon was much better." I replied, "Oh, I knew they were anxious to get in and see him soon for assessments, but I didn't know they were all coming this morning! Poor Ryan!" And she said, "Yes, he was pretty overstimulated and worn out by the time they left, but he's been fine this afternoon."

As I was waiting for Ryan to come out with his afternoon EA, who should spot me but Kevin's teacher, and she needed to give me "a little update."  Apparently, lunch time is still a problem. He's saying "mean things" to other kids and "lashing out" during lunch, even with the change of seats. However, she pointed out that there's been a drop in the amount of lunchtime supervision from 2 teachers for 2 classes to 2 teachers for 4 classes, and Kevin's not the only one having behavioral issues during lunchtime.  So, they decided to put together a little lunch group in the Back on Track room with Mrs. Cb. (Child-Youth Worker), so she can monitor them and also work with them on appropriate lunch-time social skills. Again, this isn't meant to be a long-term situation, but I don't object if it's helping them help Kevin.

Back to Ryan: I saw his afternoon EA guiding him through the open concept area doors toward me. As soon as she said, "Look who's here! There's Mom!" he started to whine. He waved hi, and I gave him a big hug when they made it over to me. I think he was anxious to leave because he didn't want to wait for Andrea and Kevin, and kept fussing and trying to head for the door. However, Ms. R. (afternoon EA) said he had a great afternoon, and explained that he might be tired and "off" because of the morning interruptions. She also said, "He's such a LOVE!" and how "sweet" he is and that he's "such a pleasure." I think Ryan's already got Ms. R. wrapped around his little finger. :)

Because it was his first full day, and I finally got some details (!), I will share some information from his Communication Book today:

My Morning
Things I played with/worked on: Did some physical activity in the gym. Also had some speech therapy.
Things I had difficulty with: Coming back to the classroom after these activities was difficult.
[No kidding. More strangers, testing his limits, making him tired, even more transitions. Duh.]
I had fun with: He enjoyed relaxing at the Library Center and rocking in the rocking chair.
[Library Center? He's usually not a fan of books. But we know he loves rocking chairs!]

Lunch/Snack: Ryan ate very well, but he didn't finish all of the oatmeal.

My Afternoon
Things I played with/worked on: Ryan enjoyed the peg board and play-doh.
[He does peg board at Summit, and has recently been enjoying Play Doh there, too. The activities probably felt familiar and comfortable.]
Things I had difficulty with: N/A. Happy mood.
[Couldn't ask for better in this department. ;) ]
I had fun with: bouncing on the exercise ball.
[He loves bouncing on the kids' exercise balls at home. I pull them out as reinforcement/a fun-relaxing toy for Thursday home programming. I'm so happy they have one he can use at Lassaline. Ditto for the rocking chair.]

Comments: [time and contents of diaper changes noted]

"Ryan did extremely well today adjusting to our classroom environment.  He is a pleasure and delight to have with us." --Mrs. C. (his JK teacher)

I would say for his first full day, that's pretty darn successful. No meltdowns, no phone calls, and a fairly content (if somewhat tired and stimmy) boy at home this evening. I'm a happy mommy.  Now let's hope we can keep this transition flowing as smoothly as possible for everyone. :)

(I took the photo, above, in the car on Monday while we were waiting to pick up Andrea and Kevin. Ryan was happily playing with his Slinky after his first day of school. I don't know why, but this photo feels kind of symbolic . . . Mommy always watching over him, making sure he's happy. He might not ever notice I'm there, and I'm constantly looking out for his best interests, but I always will be.)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this picture ! WTG Ryan :) love and hugs, Grama Marty
