Saturday, October 4, 2014

Intentional Communication?

Around 4 PM, Ryan was standing in front of the fridge/microwave area and fussing.

I asked, "What do you want?" and he signed, "More." 

I opened the fridge and asked, "Are you hungry?"

He leaned into the fridge and signed, "More." 

I gestured into the fridge and said, "Show me what you want." 

He reached in and grabbed a Mott's Fruitsations off the shelf! 

After I opened it, he gobbled it all up, and signed for "more." Since it was getting close to dinner, I offered him milk in a cup instead. He did a little happy-flappy dance while I got that ready, then gulped it down, too. Then he sauntered off to play. He was done.

The only other times he's reached into the open fridge it's been to pull out random things like condiments, and he played with the containers. He's never reached in and pulled out one of the few things he will eat.
I want to believe this was intentional communication. That would be very exciting!

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