Saturday, April 27, 2013

Speaking of "Speaking" . . .

In my big, update post earlier today, I mentioned how Ryan is making more word-sounds. Well, this afternoon, Ryan was playing in Andrea's room, and I went to see what he was up to.  Usually, he gets into a lot of mischief in her room! This time, he was on her bed, bouncing on his knees. (Her bed squeaks a lot, so I bet the combination of motion and sound is appealing to him.)

I went to get my phone to get a video of him bouncing; although it's not something I condone, it was kind of cute how much fun he was having. With the camera rolling, I playfully scolded him, "Ryan, are you supposed to be bouncing on Andrea's bed?" Not expecting a reply, I answered my own question with a thoughtful, "Noooo . . ." But without missing a beat, I swear Ryan replied, "Yep!"

Even though his back was to the camera, you can plainly hear his response.  This is one of those times when it's just too clear, and too perfect timing, to dismiss it as a coincidence!

I know this kid has a sense of humour. It looks like he might be a bit sassy, too! ;)

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