Monday, February 2, 2015

Potty Training

[First off, can I just say, wow, it's been 4 months since I've done a blog entry. And a busy 4 months it has been. Lots happening, highlights of which I post on Facebook, but seriously, I need to get back to blogging. It helps me clear my head.]

For a few months now, Ryan has been taken to sit on the potty at Summit Centre about twice a day. Then, they started doing the same at home on Thursdays.The idea is simply to get him used to sitting on the potty, seeing it's not scary, and getting him comfortable with the bathroom routine.

The potty routine goes like this: We take him into the bathroom and tell him to pull down his pants. He can do that independently. Then, we help him remove his diaper. Actually, as of yesterday, he started wearing pull-ups. He sits on the regular toilet with a potty seat. We help him get situated comfortably, and he has to sit for 3 to 5 minutes. He gets lots of praise for sitting nicely. We aren't expecting him to pee or poop yet. If he does, bonus.  When he's done sitting, we help him put on his pull-up and pants. Then, we go to the step stool by the sink and he steps up. A new part of the program is teaching him to "get soap" independently.  We use pump soap. So far, he only has to grab the soap. We help him pump it.  Then, we turn on the water and model "do this" or "rub hands" to rub his soapy hands together under the water. Next, we help him turn off the water and try to get him to "dry hands" independently. At home we use a towel, at school he uses paper towels and then throws them in the garbage.

As of yesterday, official potty training has begun.  At school, home, and Summit Centre, we will follow the same routine, about once an hour.

So far, it's all been at home, because yesterday was a Sunday and today is a snow day, so school got cancelled.  The good news is he's been going willingly with me to the bathroom, sitting well, and not getting upset.  Otherwise, his pull-up is wet every time I take him to the bathroom, so I know he's not ready to try underwear yet!  Also, when it comes to washing hands, all he wants to do is play in the water.  Getting him to functionally "get soap" and "rub hands" is a pain.  He's too interested in splashing in the running water and getting it all over the counter and floor. He also likes to grab the cups by the sink and fill them with water and dump them in the sink. I try to block this, and I've tried moving the cups, but he's fast!

We also have a little issue while he's sitting on the potty. He keeps reaching down to touch himself (fine, whatever), but then he'll shove his hand into the toilet water and swish it around! Ewww! Again, I've gotten pretty good at blocking that, but he's got lightning-fast moves when he's getting into mischief!

Anyway, I know this is going to be a LONG process, like everything with Ryan.  I don't expect any major developments soon. Let's be honest, I'm thinking in terms of years here.  I'll just be happy if he is eventually mostly/fully potty trained.   In the meantime, I've submitted paperwork for an Easter Seals Incontinence Grant. As Ryan gets bigger, his diapers/pull-ups are getting more expensive. Frankly, I should have applied for this last year, but I was hopeful we'd be more advanced in the toileting process.

To sum up, we are officially in potty-training mode. As you can see from my description, above, of the potty routine, there are so many little steps which Ryan has to learn.  It reminds me, once again, of the skills we take for granted. Ryan has to learn to put his pants and pull-up down and up. He has to learn to sit on the potty. He has to learn to step up on a step stool. He has to learn to get soap. He has to learn to pump soap. He has to learn to turn on the water. He has to learn how to rub his hands together. Etc. . .

And this doesn't even start to get into knowing his body, recognizing when he needs to go, having a way to tell us he needs to go . . . Sigh.  Let the marathon of potty training begin! Wish us luck and sanity!

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