Friday, September 6, 2013

First Week of School

Well, it's been a hectic week!  Andrea started Grade 3, Kevin started Grade 1, and Ryan did his first two days at Summit Centre. Overall, things have been going well.

On the first day, everyone was pretty nervous. Kevin and Andrea didn't want to go to school because they were anxious about all the unknowns, and I was preoccupied with trying to sort out our new school-days routine.  Ryan was confused because he didn't get to leave with Daddy and the older two kids like usual, so he got a bit upset when they went out the door without him.

Ryan Begins Summit Centre

Ryan's first day at Summit Centre (SC) went surprisingly well. 

We got there a little bit early because I had to drop off a bin and a whole bunch of supplies and notes to help him settle in there. When we arrived at SC, Ryan was in a good mood.  He was eager to get into the centre and go exploring.  We found Tara (his senior therapist), and she kept an eye on Ryan while I went out to bring in his supplies.  He went right to her, and then went to check out toys in the gross motor room.  When I came back in, Jen, his team leader therapist, was there.  She and Tara would be with him in the morning, and another team member would take over in the afternoon. (The children always have one therapist in the morning and a different one for the afternoon shift.) When I was talking to Tara and Jen, Ryan got tired of waiting around, so he kept taking off and running away!  Tara was amazed at how much speed he's gained since she last worked with him in April! LOL I assured them he would give them a workout if he's in the mood to run.  Then I said good-bye, and off they went to begin his day.

When I went to pick him up at 3:15, he was in a great mood. (It's nice because they walk the kids right from the front door to their parents' cars, parked in the cul-de-sac out front.)  Tara said he'd had a pretty good day!  We get a communication book that has simple but detailed notes and check-box ratings about Ryan's general mood, attention, programming, circle time, etc. each day. Jen wrote that Ryan had "excellent" attention and eye contact, and sat well ("good") for circle time. Programming was "average-good" and there were few problem behaviours ("good"). They helped him eat his snack hand-over-hand (HOH) and he tolerated that well, but he did not want to eat his cereal at lunch time.

His afternoon was spent with Lora.  She wrote that he fell asleep 10 minutes after lunch break.  They had to wake him up at 2:00, so he could have some more quality programming time before going home. I guess that first morning was a lot to take in, so he was ready for his nap! After waking Ryan up, they went and joined the last part of circle time. Then they did some structured play time with large Legos and a Pooh Bear music toy. 

The amount of nap time--about an hour--was perfect.  It was just enough to refresh Ryan but still have him tired enough to have a reasonable bedtime at home (just after 9:00). 

On Wednesday he had a day off because he doesn't start full time until next week (Monday).  We spent the day cleaning house, playing, visiting at Gram and Papa's, going for a walk, and chauffeuring his siblings to and from school.

Yesterday was his second day at school.  It was the first day I started the routine of dropping off the older kids at their school first, and then bringing Ryan to SC.  I decided to try taking Riverside Drive to SC after dropping off Andrea and Kevin because I thought we'd get to SC too early.  Ha!  I am learning about before-and-after-school traffic patterns in our city, let me tell you!  I left Lassaline (Andrea and Kevin's school) at 8:25 and didn't get to SC until 9:05! Oops! I  guess the Expressway is the better option, even if it gets Ryan to SC a bit early, and I have to go in and monitor him myself until 9:00.

It wasn't a big deal, though.  Sheena, Ryan's morning therapist, was quite understanding when I explained about testing out the various driving routes. Besides, Thursdays are much quieter at SC; most of the children have home programming on Thursdays. (Ryan's won't start for another month or two until they get his programming at SC sorted out.) Only one other student was there with Ryan. 

Ryan had another "good" morning in all areas.  Sheena said they "had fun together" in the gross motor room and using the wagon during play time.  He ate his snack well, but refused lunch. (?)  However, his mood was "good."

In the afternoon, he was with Jen again.  He got "good" in all areas and an "excellent" for circle time.  She tried to get him to nap, but he wouldn't. She said he kept laying down, then "popping up"! His general mood was "happy."

I managed to keep Ryan awake, although he was tired, until about 9:30 last night. That way, he slept through the night.

Overall, his first two days were way better than I expected. I am very pleased. I'm also looking forward to going in and doing my first observation day in a few weeks. I asked how long I should wait before starting those, to let him get settled, and they said I could come in another week or two if things keep going well. ;)

Andrea and Kevin's First Days Back

As I mentioned before, Andrea was nervous for her first day, but she ended up enjoying it. For the first day, Daddy took the kids in and stayed with them for a bit, because it takes time to get the children sorted into their classes.

Andrea came home quite pleased. She got the grade 3 teacher that she wanted (although she said both were fine, she did prefer Mrs. Ryckman).  She has some of her best friends from last year in her class. And she didn't get any homework yet, which was her favourite part!

Kevin was less certain when I picked him up. He was a bit overwhelmed by all the changes. He said he had a kind of bad day with some good things.  He was happy he had a friend, Jacob, in his class again.  He liked that Mrs. Lauzon (his favourite ECE from last year) came to visit him a few times throughout the day. He also like that he got to go to the BOT (Back on Track) room a bunch of times to settle down when things got to be too much for him.  His teacher is Mrs. Boutros, and he said his classroom EA is Mrs. B., but I'm not sure who that is yet. He did not enjoy the assembly (he never does--too many people, too much noise). He was also confused by some colouring activity they had to do, and said he had to redo it, and it made him upset.  However, he did like that now he's a grade 1, he got to use the "climber" (outdoor play structure). He also kept saying, "I think if I keep going back a little more, I'll get a little more used to it each time, and like it more." I encouraged this attitude although I strongly suspect a teacher or EA was the one who put it in his mind. ;)

There was some confusion at the end of the day in terms of picking up Andrea and Kevin. I had given notes for the principal and their teachers asking/explaining that I needed them to be dismissed 10 minutes before the bell in order to be out in the West End on time to pick up Ryan, whose program times are NOT flexible.  When I got to the school's main entrance/office, the kids weren't there. However, the principal spotted me, and remembering me from our transition meeting for Kevin in the spring, she beckoned me into her office. She said she'd received my letter, and that the arrangement was fine. She was very understanding about my complicated situation.  When I finished speaking with her, the first dismissal bell had rung, and still my kids weren't out. I had to wait to ask the secretary (who was swamped with first-day inquiries from parents) to page Andrea and Kevin's teachers to release them. Well, she only paged Andrea's! So, Andrea came out alone, and I sent her right back in, saying, "Go get your brother, please! You know where he is. [Their school is open concept.] We have the principal's permission to go.  We have to get Ryan!" She obediently disappeared and returned a few minutes later towing Kevin, who looked confused and irritated, behind her. By now, the second dismissal bell had rung. It was 2:55!  We had to run out to the parking lot, load into the van, squeeze through traffic that had blocked me in the parking lot, watch out for students and buses, and finally, race down the Expressway!

We ended up being about 7 minutes early to pick up Ryan. But I openly admit to aggressive driving. LOL

As we waited for Ryan to be brought out to the car, I explained the new routines to Andrea and Kevin. In the morning, I will drop them off at school, then take Ryan to SC. In the afternoon, they MUST be ready to go at 2:45, in the front lobby, so I can pick them up, and we can go get Ryan on time. (I later found out their teachers hadn't received my note until the after school on the first day.)

Pick up has gone much more smoothly since the first day. Well, except that on Wednesday Kevin expected I would be there the instant he came into the front lobby, and he was early. When I got there, I was confronted by an angry Kevin and a sympathetic principal. Apparently, he and Andrea came out together and when Kevin didn't see me right away, he tried to run out the door (flight risk--ugh). When Andrea tried to stop him, he had a screaming fit. Luckily, the principal overheard from her office and intervened, helping to soothe Kevin a bit. He was still not happy with me when I arrived (right on time!) though. Later, I explained to Kevin that I had been there on time, but he was released early. However, I promised to be there early from now on, so I would be there when he came out of the classroom area.  Yesterday, I was there, sitting on a bench in the front lobby, by 2:40.  When Kevin came out at 2:45, he ran to me with a great big smile!  The principal saw us and said hello, and asked if Kevin had "been tired" yesterday. I explained it was just all the new routines he had to adjust to, and she said, "I understand, Kevin; we all feel that way right now!"

Andrea has continued to have good days so far.  Kevin says each day is getting better. Every morning he has said he doesn't want to go, but so far, each day he's said it's getting easier.  He said he liked that they started doing "real work" yesterday. My interpretation of that is they have settled down into their classroom routine for the year which is exactly what Kevin needs. :)


Regarding homework, there has been some confusion. The kids misunderstand things, so communication between school and home gets a bit muddled sometimes. On the first day, Kevin had written "Read" in his agenda. I assumed that meant we should read a book together for homework, but he was adamant that they'd already done the reading at school, and he didn't have homework.  Later in the evening, I coaxed him to sit down and read 7 pages of a Hot Wheels book with me.  Once I got him to focus, and gave him lots of encouragement and praise, he amazed me!  He read most of the words by himself, including terms like "mountains" and "quickly."  This boy has amazing intellectual capacity; it's just getting past the autism behaviours to let his intelligence shine through that will always be a challenge! [By the way, a note exchange with his teacher confirmed that my interpretation of the homework assignment was correct.]

Last night, Andrea handed me her massive Grade 3 Mathematics book and informed me, "My home work is YOU have to read this whole thing." I was sure she misunderstood that, but she kept arguing with me, until I raised my voice and insisted, "Andrea, you're being ridiculous! I DO NOT have to read this WHOLE textbook! I'm sure your teacher just wants me to skim it, so I can be aware of what you'll be learning this year."  Once I had explained "skimming" to Andrea, she said, "Oh, that's what I meant." (Nice try, girlie! I love how she tries to backtrack on statements now.) Of course, in her agenda, the instructions read, "Look at math book." LOL

On top of this, there are so many forms to fill out for the first week of school! Ugh.  Then they have this weird policy where the youngest family member at the school brings home all important letters, forms, etc. Well, I figured some stuff was missing because it had been mentioned in the school newsletter, and I haven't received it.  This issue came up in the van this morning when Andrea and Kevin got into an argument over whose responsibility it was to bring these things home.  Kevin refused to be in charge of this, and admitted to not bringing some things home. In his mind, he's NOT the youngest; Ryan is, even if he doesn't go to Lassaline yet! So, I asked Andrea if she would be willing to speak to her teacher, explain the situation, and have all notes sent home with her. I'm also going to send a letter to their teachers on Monday.  Kevin's just not reliable for that responsibility, especially if he's set his mind against it!

I also have homework to do for Ryan. His communication book has information for me to fill out each night and morning about his eating, sleeping, mood, and any other items the SC therapists should be aware of.  I think this is a great idea, so it's there in writing, and they know what might be affecting his day. Eventually, I'll have other homework to do with Ryan, once they settle on an official learning program for him.  Right now, they are just getting reacquainted and reassessing him.

Domestic Goddess IN TRAINING

I won't go into too much detail here because I've been posting most of my personal stories on Facebook. Yes, I am still adjusting. I spend a lot more time perusing recipes and planning and making meals than most people probably have to do at this point, but keep in mind, I'm a total novice in that area despite nine years of marriage!  I am inordinately proud of any food product that turns out remotely well, and must take a picture of it and tell everyone about it because it is so unheard-of with me. LOL I also share my failures. I have to be honest, right?

I am still getting used to the schedule of getting the three kids ready for their respective schools, driving them in, and picking them up. (I wasn't as involved in that with my previous work schedule.)  I haven't quite found a rhythm to my days yet; I just do what needs to be done (laundry, dishes, tidying, etc.) at some point in the day. I'm overwhelmed by all the things I'd LIKE to do (cleaning closets, reorganizing toys, washing floors/walls/bathrooms/windows/furniture/rugs) that I don't know where to start. I think I'm going to wait a week or two on those until I get myself more used  to the new general schedule. 

Then there's still my adjustments to food and liquid intake and keeping up regular exercise.

Whew . . . The first week of the new school year is almost done, and we're surviving. ;)

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