Thursday, August 1, 2013

Cute Story: Ryan and Gabriel

Last night, Rod told me a little story about what happened when he picked up Ryan from daycare in the afternoon. It really touched my heart. First, here's some background to the story:

Ryan and Gabriel have been in daycare together since the Infant Room, when they were about 11 months old.  Even as an infant, Gabriel seemed excited whenever we showed up to drop Ryan off or bring him home. 

Then, they moved on to the Toddler Room.  In this room, Gabriel started to talk more. He would get excited and point when he saw us come in, and say "Momma" and "Ryan" (like "Ryan's Momma") when I went to pick Ryan up at the end of the day.  He also began giving Ryan hugs and kisses when we arrived, and being at the gate to wave good-bye when we left.

Next, they moved up to the Junior Preschool room together.  Every day, he still greeted Ryan with an excited exclamation of "Ryan!" and hug and a kiss.  He also became Ryan's helper. He would follow Ryan around, picking up things that he dropped, cleaning up his messes, and holding his hand to guide him to the snack table, circle time, and often to bring Ryan over to me when I arrived to pick him up from daycare.  The daycare teachers sometimes had to ask Gabriel to give Ryan more independence because he was always hovering over him so much! But I thought it was sweet how innocently Gabriel showed this protectiveness over and kindness to Ryan.

A month or so ago, Gabriel got moved up to the Senior Preschool room. Ryan stayed in the Junior Room.  Any time we've walked by the Senior Room and Gabriel sees Ryan, he drops whatever he's doing, and he cries out, "Ryan! Ryan!" and gets all excited.  I think he really misses Ryan! And it makes me kind of sad that Ryan doesn't have that special friend in his room anymore, although all the kids in his room seem very considerate of Ryan.

Now, here's what happened yesterday:  When Rod went to pick up Ryan from daycare, the kids were outside in the playground.  The Junior Preschool class was over in the smaller playground, and the Senior Preschool class was over in the bigger playground.  Rod had to walk through the bigger playground with Ryan to get back to the car.  When Gabriel saw Ryan coming through his playground, he came running over, yelling, "Ryan!" and gave him a huge hug. But here's where the magic happened: Ryan leaned in, puckered up, and gave Gabriel a great big kiss!

I could tell even Rod was awed as he repeated this story.  Ryan, on his own initiative, was showing affection to his friend!  Ryan must miss his buddy Gabriel as much as Gabriel misses him.  What a sweet,  sweet, moment.

After telling the story, Daddy bent down to Ryan (who was nearby) and asked him for a kiss.  Ryan leaned in and gave him a little peck! 

Anybody who believes autistic people cannot feel and show love need to meet my son. <3

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