Saturday, March 18, 2017

"Spotted" Post

Thursday afternoon, Ryan had a very public meltdown and I was overwhelmed at the time, but the subsequent kindness of strangers moved me to submit a "Spotted" post (below) later in the evening.
But I want to add a heartfelt thank you to my in-laws for being a calming and helpful presence throughout our difficult times yesterday, too. Thank you to Stephanie for easing Andrea's concerns at McDonald's and helping me try to soothe Ryan as we waited in line to enter Adventure Bay. Thank you to Grandma Linda for keeping an eye on Kevin at McDonald's, and later giving Kevin a massage to help him relax when he got upset about the lineup to enter Adventure Bay. And a big thank you to Papa Fred for attempting to soothe Ryan in the restaurant, and then taking him out to the quiet space of the van and helping him to settle down. I was getting very stressed by the situation, and I'm sure your more relaxed energy was much better for Ryan. I know how lucky I am to have this amazing support team. ❤️

Understanding and Kindness at McDonald's
This afternoon, my in-laws took my family to the McDonald's restaurant on Dougall Ave. as part of a March Break outing. Suddenly, my youngest son, who has severe autism, became very overwhelmed by the busy surroundings and began to cry uncontrollably. We did get some unhappy or uncomfortable stares from people, but I want to focus on the people who showed understanding and kindness during this difficult time for my son.

First, to the lady who passed by on her way out the door, and gave me a sympathetic smile: Thank you. Even so simple a gesture made me feel less judged, and made me feel more encouraged to keep trying new outings with him.

Second, to the lady who came over to our table and talked to us: I thank you for trying to interact with my boy, and speaking so gently to him. I sensed you are a religious person, and although I am not religious myself, I appreciated your attempts to understand us and your offers of help. It was kind of you to offer my son a little religious medallion to hold. You also offered to watch my older son while I went out to check on my overwhelmed little boy who had to be taken to a quieter place by his grandpa. We had other family there to help, but this kind offer touched my heart.

Finally, to the McDonald's staff member who came and tried to help us have a happier experience: I did not expect that, and was so impressed at how above and beyond you went. You came and tried to soothe my very upset little guy. You offered him some toys, and then some ice cream. He ended up having to go outside, but you still brought 3 ice cream cones to our table, and I later brought one out for him and Grandpa to share. When we thanked you, you said you just wanted everyone to have a good experience at your restaurant. Thank you for showing such thoughtfulness. He did enjoy his ice cream (albeit out in the van), and his siblings got a nice treat, too. Thank you for making us feel welcome and accepted at your location.

Sometimes, it's very tough to bring our neurodiverse children out into a neurotypical world. I'm grateful that awareness and acceptance is growing. But really, something as simple as a kind look can make all the difference to us.