Friday, February 24, 2017

Andrea's Writing Assignment

The other night, when I opened Andrea's school agenda, something caught my eye.  It was a photocopy of a writing assignment she had completed. I thought maybe it was something I needed to sign, but then I started to read it more carefully.

Later, I asked Andrea why this was in her agenda.  She explained that the teacher had told them to write a journal entry about any topic they wanted.  The teacher was so touched by what Andrea wrote, that she made a copy of it and sent it home because she knew what it would mean to me. It's called, "Life with an autistic brother." It focuses only on Ryan, which I can understand, because her feelings for Kevin are a lot more complicated. (I've edited the spelling and grammar for clarity, but the words are all hers.)

Life with an autistic brother

Having a life with an autistic brother can have a lot of effects on you. Sometimes they are annoying, other times they are cute, but life is a lot harder living with brothers with autism. An example is how Ryan always screams. He screams very loudly; I can hear him from the other side of the house. It can get a little annoying hearing him scream nonstop.

But a good thing about him having autism is he does many funny, unpredictable things. Life is never boring with Ryan. He will make silly noises, do strange facial expressions, and overall just find a way to make the whole family laugh. He is doing something different every day, so it's fun to watch his reactions to new things and people.

Overall, I actually quite enjoy living with a heavily autistic brother. Yes, it can sometimes get annoying. But overall, I'm happy that my brother is the way he is.

I'm happy that she has such a balanced view regarding Ryan's autism. She's realistic about the struggles, but she also points out the things she enjoys about Ryan, too. Her teacher's written comment was, "It's wonderful to see how you appreciate his 'gifts.'" I agree. I know she loves her little brother very much, and she did mention how "cute" he is, but I am surprised she didn't mention how special she feels when Ryan gives her cuddles and kisses. The way she lights up when he's affectionate with her just warms my heart.

"But overall, I'm happy that my brother is the way he is." THIS. 💗