Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Ryan's Christmas Concert at Summit Centre

This afternoon, the Summit Centre for Preschool Children with Autism held their first ever Christmas Concert!  Thanks to the hard work, creativity, and determination of the staff, placement students, and Summit students, it was a great success!
the program we were given before the performance
set designed by staff and students

"Jingle Bells": Ryan did a great job shaking his bells!

"Must Be Santa": Ryan had a ". . . beard that's white" to hold up.

What I love about this video are all the smiles Ryan has. It shows me that he enjoys this song.  I also think it's funny that he starts petting/pulling on the cotton balls of his beard. Textures are fun!

Look at that smile! :)

"10 Little Elves"

Ryan is the cutest Christmas tree ever! 
(seen here with the Music Therapy student he loves)

"Frosty the Snowman"
 The twin brothers who played "Frosty" and "the Traffic Cop" are too cute!

"Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree"

ready to do "The Reindeer Pokey"
 Ryan liked the part where "you turn yourself around" (although Cristal had to guide him a bit). ;)
Cristal helping Ryan put his "right hoof in"

Ryan was "C" for Christmas in "A Christmas Poem"

The final "S" was a total surprise for the kids: Santa!

Ryan liked Santa's beard (he kept trying to pull on it), but he was pretty tired after that exciting performance. :) 
A special thank you to senior therapist, Tara, who has been encouraging Summit Centre to do a Holiday Concert for a while now.  As a mom, I can say it warmed my heart to see my little guy involved in this festive activity.  It was wonderful. It was adorable.  I'm sure it was lots of work, but I hope this turns into an annual event! :)